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General Information and Pricing

UNM-CSI offers a wide range of isotopic analysis for both UNM researchers and external off-campus clients. Fees for routine analyses are typically assessed on a per sample basis (see below).

In addition to these routine analyses, we also offer more sophisticated analysis of both organic (e.g., amino acids) and inorganic (e.g., δ17O) materials. Please contact Facility Director Viorel Atudorei ( or Faculty Director Zachary Sharp ( for inquiries regarding analysis of complicated inorganic (geological) materials, and Faculty Associate Director Seth Newsome ( for information regarding analysis of complicated organic (biological) materials.

Organic Analyses:

δ13C and δ15N Analysis of Organics (via EA-IRMS) with Weight Percent Elemental Concentrations: $7/sample

δ2H Analysis of Organics (via TCEA-IRMS) with Weight Percent Elemental Concentrations: $10/sample

δ18O Analysis of Organics (via TCEA-IRMS) with Weight Percent Elemental Concentrations: $12/sample

Inorganic Analyses:

δ13C and δ18O Analysis of Carbonates (via GasBench-IRMS): $10/sample

δ13C Analysis of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (via GasBench-IRMS): $12/sample

δ2H and δ18O Analysis of Waters (via Picarro WIA): $12/sample

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